Jo Vanbelle

Managing Partner

“From your very first step in our offices to the final solution, we guarantee that all of your needs will be handled with care.”


  • Catholic University of Leuven (Louvain), Law School, Master of Laws cum laude
  • High school: Classical division Latin-Greek

Professional qualifications

  • Lawyer, member of the Brussels Bar Association (since 1995)
  • Judge (dep.) in the metropolitan area of Brussels (since 2006)
  • Lecturer at the Brussels Diplomatic Academy (University of Brussels), teaching financial diplomacy and fintech
  • Visiting professor 
  • President of the Concertation Commission of the Belgian Hospitality Industry
  • Member of the University Foundation
  • Editor-in-Chief of several law reviews on real estate and rental law (1992-1998)
  • Published author of several books and articles (ca. 45) on real estate, corporate law, contracts, financial and banking law

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