Corporate and business law

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Full range of advisory, dispute resolution and mediation for the professional market

Our full-service corporate practice is equipped to handle complex corporate issues, including business contracts, mergers and acquisitions, business incorporation and compliance matters. 

Over the past three decades, we have worked with international and domestic public companies, mid-sized and emerging businesses, privately held firms, private equity and investment funds and high-net-worth individuals across a wide range of industries, both in Belgium and abroad.

Some of the areas we cover, are:

  • Company incorporation: set up of private limited companies, partnerships, foundations, holdings, joint ventures and special purpose vehicles – drafting of business plan, bank account opening, corporate accountancy & tax
  • Commercial and business agreements: purchase and sale (shares, assets, real estate, debts and claims), rental contracts, franchising, engineering, shareholder agreements, management contract, general conditions of sale, 
  • Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), including share or asset assessment
  • Debt recovery: commercial debts (invoices), business claims, commissions, property issues and rental payments
  • Investment funds and asset management: advice and incorporation of investment vehicles
  • Business consulting for companies, business owners and management
  • E-commerce and cryptocurrencies: legal and tax advice on an international level

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