
Christmas wishes - Jo Vanbelle

Dearest Gentle Reader,

The end of the year is slowly approaching, and the warm Christmas season invites us to reflect on the past year while also looking ahead to the future. Soon, on the occasion of New Year, we will share details about some new initiatives and plans from Vanbelle Law Boutique and VB Alliance.


2024 has been a year of transformation for Vanbelle Law Boutique, marked by team expansion in Brussels, the intensification of digitalization, and an increased focus on social media and marketing.

This was made possible thanks to William, who has been consistently providing informative and creative posts and contributions each week, which have been greatly appreciated by our audience.

At the same time, we had the honour of joining the fantastic XLNC family as the exclusive partner for Belgium in legal advisory services.

New alliances

A number of new alliances and prospects were also explored and will undoubtedly come to fruition starting next year. At VB Alliance, our multidisciplinary network (www.vb-alliance.com), these initiatives have already resulted in strategic partnerships, including collaborations with the Hillewaere Group and Christie’s International Real Estate.

Our partnership with the University of Brussels (VUB, Brussels Diplomatic Academy) and the monthly hosting of the House of Diplomacy at our Brussels offices was also a great success. This collaboration will continue in 2025, likely in an even more attractive format.

Looking forward

During these rainy and cold days with little light (at least in Belgium…), we hope that our energy and enthusiasm to assist and support you—as you have experienced over the past year—can continue to serve as an extra drive for you, your family, and your business to keep moving forward together. We, for our part, are ready!

We wish you a very Merry Christmas, whether at home or in another delightful place full of sunshine or snow, and we look forward to seeing you again soon.
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